The Coder’s Journey: Finding Flow in the Digital Realm

Navigating the peaks and valleys of learning to code, while discovering unexpected parallels with DJing and fast food

3 min readJun 25, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, learning to code has become a pursuit akin to mastering a new language or instrument.

It’s a journey filled with triumphs, frustrations, and moments of profound insight. As I’ve embarked on this path, I’ve found myself navigating a complex terrain of emotions and experiences that have shaped not just my coding skills, but my perspective on learning and creativity.

The early stages of my coding journey were marked by a sense of exhilaration at deciphering the cryptic languages that power our digital world. Reading code felt like unlocking a secret cipher, each line revealing new possibilities.

However, as I ventured deeper into the realm of programming, I encountered the inevitable roadblocks that every aspiring coder faces.

Debugging became a test of patience and perseverance. The methodical process of diagnosing issues in my code often left me feeling like a detective in a digital mystery novel. It was during these moments of frustration that I found an unexpected ally in AI. While some might view AI assistance as a crutch, I’ve come to see it as a powerful tool for learning. The key, I’ve realized, is to approach each problem with a clear understanding before seeking AI…




I generally write about where I went wrong, so others are alright.